Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, We hope this announcement finds you in good health. There is a scheduled (DirectAdmin) server maintenance from Sunday 15th December 10:00pm to Tuesday, 18th December 10:00am. Note: There will be no server downtime - All websites will be live/on...
Design Websites With SitePad Build your professional website using easy to use editor and publish static web pages. 500+ Responsive website themes which cover a wide range of categories like Blog, Business, Portfolio, Restaurants, Travel and many more 40+ Widgets like Image/Vi...
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, We have added a new menu item labelled 'Website Builders' which features 4 sub/child menus to help you easily navigate to free website builders on your control panel namely; WordPress, SitePad, SiteJet and Softaculous. We have also added a sub/chil...
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, There is a brief ongoing security updates on our cPanel Server; SpeedJet - Some websites may experience temporal or intermittent downtimes for few minutes... Open a ticket to our support team if your experience is persistent for more than an hour......
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